Take the UPBEAT Pledge!

Help us create a more diverse and sustainable scene by taking the UPBEAT Pledge! We invite showcase festivals to join our mission and the UPBEAT club: sign the Pledge and become an associate partner who walks the walk of diversity.


Emerging talent, the new and diverse faces of Europe are still underrepresented in the industry. UPBEAT makes space for them at showcases, conferences and other industry events, and encourages all actors to do the same. 

The UPBEAT Pledge acts as a quality label. Those who take it commit to a diverse, future proof European music industry. We stand by music in the original language, sustainability, diversity and equal opportunities for emerging artists. The Pledge is an industry-wide initiative to extend UPBEAT’s impact and mobilise the European world music market.

Why join?

The UPBEAT Pledge represents a network and collective aim to change the landscape of world music in Europe. Through the UPBEAT Pledge, you will be an associated member of UPBEAT. As an associated member you can also embrace our values, receive certain benefits and tools developed by the project, and join the shared effort. 

Taking the Pledge offers the perks of the UPBEAT community:

  • Get access to the UPBEAT Universe and Artist Database – connect with your next panel speaker and invite a showcaser through our database.
  • Enjoy the spotlight – attract new followers and guests through UPBEAT’s on- and off-line channels.

In order to join the Pledge, your festival must:


Have had at least 1 previous edition;


Feature European emerging artists – as per the definition provided by UPBEAT – in at least 20% the programming (See more about this in the Digital Info Pack below);


Feature artists and topics related to world music, local cultural heritage and diaspora in at least 20% of the programming.

Learn more about the concept and application criteria! Download the Digital Info Pack about what it takes to be an UPBEAT Pledge holder.

Let's start a

If you are interested in taking the UPBEAT Pledge, send us an email to info@upbeat-platform.eu, and we will take you through the steps to take pledge.