A Future Festival award reception, a dazzling UPBEAT night and a successful launch of UPBEAT Universe – we came, we saw, we ate at the industry’s biggest global gettogether for world music, WOMEX.

And the winner is.. all of us
The Future Festival award expresses UPBEAT’s dedication to a greener industry, and was handed this year to Music Meeting Festival, a vanguard post of global beats in Europe. Artist Saskia Venegas Aernouts accepted the award on behalf of the music meeting, and attested the event’s well-grounded eco credentials. The actual award, an artefact from upcycled ocean plastic, further cements UPBEAT’s commitment to sustainability.

Dazzling stars on the rise
UPBEAT Night on Saturday was packed with bedazzled listeners and star potential: Zarina Prvasevda enchanted the crowd with her stage presence, expressive power and versatile voice, Ão displayed darker, quirkier electronic notes piquing our interest, while Buzz’ Ayaz literally drove the room crazy with their Cypriot psychedelia.
UPBEAT Universe on soaring orbit
The official launch of our digital platform connecting artists and promoters also went down a blast, with 160 new applicants to the site powered by gigmit. It’s a new tool for everyone looking for their musical match: artists, bookers, promoters, clubs and venues, and looks to strengthen the world, folk and roots scenes. No wonder it struck a chord with Womexicans, flocking to our stand and wanting to know more.
WOMEX2024 – thank you for the mutual support, see you around!