One of the early joiners to the UPBEAT community, Mercat de Música Viva de Vic held its annual gathering of cross-sector professionals in September. A standard-bearer of showcase festivals, VIC hosted UPBEAT’s partner meeting where our team reported on our first year, got down to business and attracted new members to our growing UPBEAT family.

Catalan by custom, MMVV’s profile was somewhat extended by the 12 bands performing with UPBEAT’s support, providing new opportunities for emerging artists. Ivana Stevanovska (Password Production – PIN) and Petra Hradilova (Colours – Czech Music Crossroads) were elected to UPBEAT’s board at the partner meeting, while we also recapped our first year and explored a common future with members.

Thanks to MMVV for the lovely setting and bustling vibe, a great place to celebrate UPBEAT’s progress.